Sunday, December 21, 2014

12/21 2014 ~Dosminer alpha Snapshot s_122014_a is out!~

Hello and welcome to the first real snapshot-day!
The first real snapshot-day. As some of you know, we already had some snapshot-days before. But looking closer to it, you'll find out, that these snapshots are more like versions then snapshots. But THIS is a snapshot release,
and it's a snapshot to the alpha release!
Actually, this snapshot just has a GUI (Graphical User Interface).
You can't click or play anything. All you can do is to shut the window...
but hey, it's a snapshot. So let's take a view on the patch list. (which is actually pretty small cause it's a snapshot)

+ added a Graphical User Interface.
- removed all the features of all the versions before

That's it.
I don't think, it's a good idea to play this, cause this is just a clear programm.
But if you want to take a look at it, just go on downloading it. This version won't be shown on our homepage We decided not to make great thing about that. We won't even post this release on facebook. Snapshots will be released only here on That's a good reason to visit our homepage a few times ;-) Before I can let you download the new version, I'll have to tell you how to install run it.
Linux and Windows and all the other stuff
2.Run with Java7

I think I'm done, so... here's the download link:
Linux, Windows and all the other stuff: click here

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